A page dedicated to projects aligned with our values, featuring organizations and raising awareness for their causes.
POCOAPOCO - is an Oaxaca-based arts and cultural organization supporting the pivotal impact of creative work for individuals and communities.
UNA MANO PARA OAXACA - "We strengthen the Zapotec identity of adults and infants, through the co-creation of artistic and cultural events with community agents."
NIÑOS DE GUATEMALA - To address the issue of quality education within its schools, Niños de Guatemala educates over 500 children a year across its three schools.
DO GOOD HOTEL - "We’re a social business. That means 100% of our profits go towards helping people that need it. We believe in human potential. So we put our profits where the people are and invest in our local communities."
HOTEL CON CORAZÓN - “Hotel con Corazón is an impact hotel. Our mission is to help adolescents in the region create a better future for themselves”
POCOAPOCO - is an Oaxaca-based arts and cultural organization supporting the pivotal impact of creative work for individuals and communities.
If there’s a charitable organization with values aligned to ours please let us know about them.