Santa Maria Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca

Nestled in the Sierra Norte Mountains, Maestra Silvia Martínez Díaz uses native clay to create beautiful traditional Mixe shapes.

The Mixe people reside in the mountainous northeastern region of Oaxaca. They retain a strong sense of their original cultural identity and dialect, having never been militarily conquered by other ethnicities.

Silvia Martínez Díaz is one of the most renowned contemporary Mixe artisans. She keeps the tradition of her people’s pottery alive and converts objects of common use, that date back to the Pre-Columbian times, into artistic pieces. Using ancient techniques and materials such as her home-made oven, clay from the region, and her own hands, she is able to create this beautiful pieces which carry the traditions of indigenous settlers in the region.




Silvia Garcia


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